Design date: 2007
Client: Seyam Family
Location: Amman, Jordan 
Category: Residential 
Plot area: 1750 sqm
Built Up area: 2570 sqm


The family residence project is an innovative architectural endeavor encompassing a spacious family house and individual private apartments catering to various family members. It intelligently balances public and private domains, manifesting a harmonious coexistence within the domestic space. The project's design delineates the public-private relationship through two distinct masses; one dedicated to public functions, while the other caters to private ones.


The interplay of these masses is accentuated by connecting walls that seamlessly integrate the project with its site and, in turn, the site with its surroundings. This thoughtful design not only addresses the functional needs of a diverse family but also establishes a dynamic relationship between the built environment and its context, creating a unique and interconnected living experience.


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